A male Romance Author… a convention in Vegas… a female book blogger… a goal to lose her virginity… what next? Find out when you mix all the above!
Fallon McKinley is headed to Vegas for the Wicked Wenches Romance Con and losing her virginity is only one of her goals. The other is to meet her favorite author of romance novels, R.T. Sinclair. What she doesn’t realize is that the sexy green-eyed god she rams into at the airport is the real R.T. When they keep running into each other, she’s shocked, but excited, because the attraction is irresistible.
Ryland Thomas Sinclair doesn’t want anyone to know his true identity. He’s the author that all women love, but everyone thinks he’s a female. He hides his persona behind the public face of his twin sister, keeping his own a secret. But after meeting the lovely Fallon, his intentions to avoid a relationship come to a screeching halt. She’s put an unwanted kink into his perfectly laid out plans. His unusual reaction surprises him because after a heart-shredding breakup a few years ago, he’s managed to avoid women at all costs.
Resisting Fallon becomes more difficult than he imagines. Soon things are spiraling out of control, until a major miscommunication has Fallon walking out of his home and his life. Will Ryland Thomas succeed in losing the woman he loves? Or can he win her back?

I don't even
know where to start with this review -
So I'll start with saying that the way that
Fallon first met/ran into Ryland Thomas was classic - it made me laugh, and
think - man, something like that would so happen to me! And, of course she would run into him again -
this time with a little more sparks flying.
One thing leads to another and they end up in his hotel room - and
Let me just
say - I don't think there has been another book where I wanted to reach in to the
book and grab a guy - this being Ryland Thomas - and back slap him a couple of
times. Yeah, I know he was hurt from a
previous relationship, but OMG - he just totally freaked on Fallon more than
once - and my heart just broke for her.
- understatement from R.T.
But in all
of this - Fallon was amazing. This girl
had a rotten mother to say the least - and she struggled in life, just making
it day to day - but she had spunk and never gave up. She kept moving forward, even with all the
smack downs she got - and the thing that made me most proud is that she didn't
go after Ryland Thomas. She stood her
ground and let him come to her.
But their
story continues as she learns the truth about who he is, and who his twin
sister really is - she keeps their secret and their relationship grows and
develops. But, when the truth comes out
to the public about Ryland Thomas - there are misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and
This book
had me crazy at times, wishing Fallon and Ryland Thomas would work things out -
and then other times, thinking she can do so much better! I have to say there were definitely redeeming
moments for Ryland Thomas, as he finally grew up in regards to his relationship
with Fallon. This book will definitely
have your emotions all over the place - I'd like to know what you think of
Ryland Thomas!