Friday, May 2, 2014

The Devil in Me (Bend Anthology) by K.I. Lynn

The Devil in Me (Bend Anthology)
I really enjoyed this book - especially since I personally seem to struggle with shorter stories.  This one actually didn't try to jam so much in - making the relationship between Jared and Hope feel believable and real.  The only issue that kept me from rating this book higher, was the "location" of some of the sex scenes.  Others may agree with me on this, or be offended - I truly tried not to judge the total story on this issue, but I did take away 1/2 a star because of it.  I would have preferred it not in the book at all.

But even with all of that, I did wish that the book was longer, because the other story lines regarding Jared and his sister and mother, and Jared's business really left me wanting to know what's going to happen in the future with all of that.  Plus I'm curious to see where Jared and Hope's relationship goes.  I hope there's a future book in the works that will continue this story.  All in all though, this was the perfect light, hot read for in between all those angsty books we all seem to be reading.



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