Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Deacon (Unfinished Heroes #4) by Kristen Ashley - @KristenAshley68

Deacon (Unfinished Hero, #4)
What can I say?  Kristen Ashley does it again with Deacon.  Although this time Deacon is more broody, mysterious and kinky than her other Alpha males - which is a recipe for a great freaking story that I could not put down.  And as usual, Cassie, the heroine, is this awesome, strong female who you can't help but admire, root for and want to become her best friend.

I have to say, some of my very favorite "alpha man" quotes came out of Deacon's mouth.

And I don't want to take anything away from Cassie - she held her own.

If you are a Kristen Ashley fan, I can say you will not be disappointed with Deacon - and if you have never read one of her books - this is absolutely a great place to start and get hooked on K.A. and her amazing writing style including all of her incredible H/h's.
It truly was....

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