Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Beneath Series by Tori Madison - @AuthorToriMadis

Tori Madison     Beneath, You're Beautiful (Beneath, #2)
This series is one that has been on my tbr list for awhile.  It's one of those series that had me wanting to read it so badly, but I was scared at all the emotions that it would make me feel while I read it.  And, I was right - it did make me feel everything.  I cried, I laughed, I ached, I cheered,  my heart broke and rejoiced and best of all I felt hope.
I could never say enough wonderful things about Victoria.  She faced head on, not only the cancer that invaded her life and body - but the loss of the one person that she truly thought she could rely upon.  She faced it all with courage, and grace even amidst the fear.  Luckily for her, she was blessed to have the support of three wonderful woman and parents who loved and cared for her whole-heartedly, along with amazing doctors who helped her through her "journey".

I'd encourage anyone to read this book and experience the journey that Victoria went on.  Ride the wave of her highs and lows, her diagnosis and recovery, losing love and finding it again but even better.   This book was so inspirational for me, and I know I'm glad I finally took the ride and read these books.

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